ownCloud App Migration

Starting with version 9.1.1 the ownCloud App for UCS is available as a Docker App. New installations automatically use this Docker App.

To update an existing non-Docker ownCloud App to the new Docker ownCloud App a manual migration has to be done. Basically, ownCloud on the server (Docker host) is removed and installed in a new Docker container. Directories with ownCloud data are mapped to the container and the container continues to use the database on the Docker host.

The guide should only be followed if the currently installed owncloud App version is 9.0.6. The following steps are necessary to migrate the non-Docker ownCloud App to Docker.

Check if docker works on the host

Run the following command to verify docker works, before starting the migration:

docker run hello-world

If this test fails, please contact the Univention Support or check the Univention Forum for more information.

Save ownCloud UCR settings, prepare ownCloud App removal

ucr search --brief ^owncloud > /root/owncloud-ucr-settings.txt
cat /etc/owncloudadmin.secret; echo

The admin password should not have changed. Please note, that the last command above shows the password.

Install ownCloud Docker App

First the code of the ownCloud App is removed. All files and database contents remain in place. The unique internal identifier of the official ownCloud App is ‘owncloud82’. This identifier remains unchanged for now, although the version number now differs.

univention-app remove owncloud82
ucr unset appcenter/prudence/docker/owncloud82
du -sh /var/lib/owncloud/*    # check how much disk space each user occupies.
univention-app update
univention-app install --skip-checks=must_not_be_end_of_life owncloud82=9.1.4-20170427

If you are logged in to the Univention Management Console, it is advised to log out and in again for all modules to register the change.

Note: The password for the user owncloudadmin is set to owncloud during the migration. It is advised to change it manually after migrating the app.

Verify ownCloud UCS settings in Docker container

univention-app shell owncloud82 ucr search --brief ^owncloud > /root/owncloud-ucr-settings-9.1.4.txt
diff -u /root/owncloud-ucr-settings*

Further configurations or modifications of UCR settings have to be done in the container from now on. Use the following command to change into the new ownCloud App container:

univention-app shell owncloud82

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